Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Mull 2011

The annual trip to the Isle Of Mull music festival took place 29th-1st May, with the Fud Family in full attendance. No accomodation was available so we took our own----the caravan----never again. There is a vast difference in ferry price depending on which route you choose. It was going to cost over £180 to take the Oban-Craignuire ferry so the not so excellent plan was to go the Lochaline-Fishnish way. It works out £50 or so cheaper, but when you add up the extra fuel costs hauling a fully laden car and a caravan up those hills and the stressing of the poor driver on these single track roads, it wasnt really that much cheaper.

However, once there the mood soon changed to one of lets party, enjoy the sun, the music and the wee break. Thanks to all the people who made this a very enjoyable experience and to Jimmy the taxi driver for the endless runs from the campsite to Tobermory town.


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