Now in its 10th year the Scribblers Picnic took place 19th June, as usual it was well run and had a good turnout despite the weather. Well done to all the charities and various stall holders who took part and of course to the musicians and singers, a big thankyou for making it a very good day out. Performers included, The Heart of Scotland Choir, Ballroom Gitz, Bury The Hobbit, Double Trouble, The Rising and reformed for one day only the wonderful Box o' Bananas. So Stevie, as promised yer Fud status has been withdrawn. Thanks to Jock The Box for taking me from Bridge of Allan back to the caravan at Witches Craig.
I love the springtime and summer,thats when I can get out and about in my caravan floating around the country attending music festivals and visiting places around the country.Thats where the name comes from,if you want breakfast wi toast--get the generator out.
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