Monday, 24 December 2012


Sometimes in life things can change, these changes can result in major decisions having to be made. I made such a decision in June this year. Due to the unexpected losing of my job, I entered the bus and coach business. Taking on an undertaking like that is not for the faint hearted as I soon found out but after lots of tears and tantrums and help from many people we are now in business. I now have 1 19 seat coach for private hire work, 2 service buses to be used in 2 local services we will be operating from 7th January 2013 and 1 25 seat coach which will be used as a spare vehicle in the event of any breakdowns. There are many people and businesses I would like to thank for all the help and understanding during the last few months, things would have been a lot harded without their input. If I have missed you out, I didnt mean it. My family for putting up with me and my financial doom and moods, Roy for the MOT and refurb work, John Lynch for painting, Wullie Sangster for decals and logo design, Kenny and the staff at Kenwil for printing and stationary, Susan Murray for all the support and help in planning and getting the routes established, Fergus for mechanical, electrical, bus stop timetables, website and being there when the need arose, Liam for electrical work in global headquarters and working in the rain to get the depot reader ready, Charlie Livingstone for welding, manufacturing and the bullet proof door in the workshop, Angela from Gauntlet for insurance, Roy and Luise for general business issues, Ricky for maps, John Boyce, John Gay, George and Eddie from McColls for lots of admin. and bus operating help, Mr Sood, Stewart, Liz and Carol from Fairline Coaches for giving me a job, Bert Comrie from Crescent Cabs for keeping me busy with jobs, Jim at JBM for defect inspections, the staff at SPT, the staff at Transport Scotland, Anne at Clydesdale Bank, Colin for endless loans of money, Fiona for timetables, Frank for promotions, Bernie the Brush for last minute painting, Dean from McKenna Brothers for helping me out with the destination blind, Parthiv from Transmach for ticket machines and back up system, the whole operation would have collapsed without you, all the shops and businesses along our routes who very kindly displayed our poster, the people of Lennoxtown for their help, support and custom, I will finish with a extra special thankyou to Billy and Jim Thompson for renting me the premises in Lennoxtown and for all they have done.


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